keskiviikko 11. toukokuuta 2016

There is really something to see...

Taitaja Vocational Skills Competition 2016
International seminar 
"Strengthening the Competence based approach in Finland
 - this is how we did it"

were the reason I had come to Seinäjoki
on 10th May.

This week 
we have international guests from 
Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, Austria and Estonia
in Vocational Education Centre Sedu 
in Ähtäri.

After interesting presentations 
it was time to see the town of Seinäjoki.
I have always thought that 
this part of Finland is very boring.

And now our guests come from Rome!!
They will get bored...

But Mr. Alvar Aalto (1898-1976)
with his architecture and design
can help a little bit.

He has had refreshing ideas.

His style 
we can find in many buildings in Seinäjoki.

City Hall

Cross of the Plains Church


Here I have been drinking coffee a couple of times
but now I had possibility to see the nice design
without queue.

Alvar Aalto was born in Kuortane, 
not far away from Seinäjoki.

I didn´t know
that this shape
was inspired by
the lake Kuortaneenjärvi.
In library I had the best experiences.

How clever these tables and lamps were designed for students...

The new part of library is really worth a visit!

So beautiful!

Now it was time to leave Seinäjoki 
and take a bus to Kuortane Sports Hotel.

The lake of Mr Aalto was waiting for us.

Tourism students of Vocational Education Centre Sedu Lapua
had planned a very nice programme for us.

Delicious dinner!
And the Finnish nature showed its best 
just before we left.

We, Finnish people, can really be proud of Alvar Aalto.

Thank you very much for this excellent day!

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